Finally, you decided to renovate your home, but be careful, before getting down to work, keep these tips in mind that will allow you to save on remodeling. It is important not to go beyond the fixed budget, and for this, the ideal is to have clear ideas and know what you can save and what elements are what can determine that the work is carried out without surprises.
We know that it sounds contradictory and totally opposite to the “less is more”, but sometimes, when remodeling, doing more work means ending up spending less . This is because a small home renovation is proportionally more expensive than a more complete one. The labor and even the materials are cheaper if the work is greater, so if you can afford it, it is worth spending a little more and doing all the work at once.
Be sure to ask for more than one quote and that they have the same “items”. That is, you can see the same concepts, materials and types of execution in each of the documents. It is very difficult to compare if everything is not specified very well, so always try that everything is well broken down to make it easier to detect the differences and be able to choose the quote that suits you. A tip that usually works is never to stay with the most expensive (obviously), but also with the cheapest since it could be what is known as “reckless descent.”
Not everything related to savings can be defined in the short term, that is, only the calculation of the work. There are issues that go beyond time, but that in the long term can mean significant savings. For example, it is very important to think about the future energy expenditure of housing, taking into account that the payment of supplies is one of the highest day-to-day expenses.
If once put into home renovation you consider sustainability, not only will the planet thank you, but also your pocket. The easiest thing is to insulate the house well to save on heating and air conditioning, use lighting systems that spend less energy, such as LEDs, or change the facilities and appliances for more efficient ones. It may seem like an extra expense, but you will undoubtedly amortize the long-term investment.
In home renovation, it is very important to have clear priorities, and without a doubt one of them is that the structures and facilities are in perfect condition. It is of little use to spend on paint or on a new floor if the facilities are very old and you don’t update them. Soon you will have to remodel them and it is preferable that you do it as soon as possible, since afterward, it will be an extra expense that will affect everything you have previously arranged on the surface. For obvious reasons, the structure must be in perfect condition before beginning any other type of improvement, so the stability of the building must be a priority.
Many of the home renovation projects we teach them have been carried out with a very low budget. The best materials are not always the most expensive, and the needs of each home must be taken into account. So we invite you to discover our projects to get inspired and you can see that it is not always necessary to spend a lot to have a new home that you love.
Some of the best renovations we have seen start from the premise that good space planning is often more important than the materials used. Maybe throwing a wall and simply changing the color of the walls is the perfect solution to give the home a fresh air.
That the work is carried by an architect or an interior designer, in addition to taking away headaches, will make the total amount you end up paying less. Many times the popular belief is that it will be the opposite since obviously you have to add your fees. But what many people do not know is that their presence will ensure compliance with the execution deadlines and coordinate professionals (masons, electricians, plumbers…) in the most effective way. This, in the long term, translates into time and money savings. In addition, they will help you choose the best materials and get the best prices at the construction companies involved.
Do not always take everything for lost and decide to make a new account. Sometimes what you already have is better than you think and you can take advantage of it for the new life that you are going to give to your home. For example, it is not worth wasting a good built-in closet, since perhaps only by lacquering it in another color can you give it a renewed look.
Do you hate the tiles in your kitchen or bathroom but can’t afford a comprehensive remodeling? It doesn’t matter, you can always paint them. Do you feel sorry for throwing away that old piece of furniture that you no longer like? Find a way to integrate it, it is possible that just by changing it and painting it you will be great. Don’t you think!!!