• March 5, 2020
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Long and new life to your kitchen

As a general rule, fashions come and go. However, there are also trends that come at once to stay permanently. We like having them in orbit, but sometimes it can be a bit complicated to know which one to bet on. The solution we have found is to step back, isolate ourselves – a little alone – and see the deco panorama with perspective. Only then will we be able to detect, of all the innovations that are coming, which are not worth investing and which we want to welcome forever in our home.
This is something that you can apply both if you want to completely remodel your home as if you are simply looking to make small changes that update it and restore freshness. And, it is possible that the kitchen is one of the rooms that offer more possibilities when it comes to giving a return to the decoration. From changing the furniture to getting rid of the old tiles. We can even throw the walls and become an open kitchen or change sides and our kitchen surrenders to black.
You decide what to change. Now, if you do not know where to start we propose a list of essentials that will surely generate the most positive impact on your kitchen.


Convince yourself, you need a carpet in the kitchen. This object may already be the protagonist of the decoration of your living room, your rooms, and your bathroom. You may even have joined the trend of decorating with carpets also in summer. Well, if you’ve got here, you just have to introduce it, also in your kitchen. We recognize that it is not an easy idea to apply since choosing the type of textile and aesthetics can be more complicated than in other rooms.
We recommend that you opt for flat-woven rugs, you can even choose the classic outdoor ones. In both cases, you will stop suffering because it becomes heavily soiled or if any food spills on it.

Open shelving

This is one of those trends that appeared, some looked with some misgivings and finally succeeded. We do not believe that it will disappear in a short place and that is something we celebrate since the retro air they bring to any kitchen enough to make the change worthwhile. It is not about removing all the cabinets and covering the walls with these shelves that leave everything in sight. The ideal is to read a wall over the sink, on heating or in a corner, to take better advantage of the space, they are an ideal solution that will also give the feeling that the kitchen has gained a few meters.

The island

It is one of the trends with which we are most familiar and, however, sometimes it is difficult for us to bet on it. So, from here, we have no choice but to make a plea for the islands in the kitchens. For several reasons: they are versatile – we can prepare dinner while we receive our visitors, have breakfast or take advantage of them as storage space -, being an independent module, allows us to innovate and be creative with color – try painting the doors of your countertop in a different tone to the rest of the kitchen, it works– and they provide spaciousness to the room.

Changes its color

No matter how traditional your kitchen furniture might look like this will be a perception that disappears at which you decide to change the paint on the walls of your kitchen. Bypassing all the theory of colors that, as you know, attributes a certain characteristic to each component of the palette, we will tell you that there are more suitable tones than others depending on what you want to transmit in your new kitchen. Do you want it to look wider? Light blue, pink and yellow is your safe bet. Do you dare with everything? Move to a kitchen in black.
Do you want to follow the latest trends? Your kitchen must be, without a doubt, in the Living Coral of Pantone. Quiet, if you have a problem you can start with only one of its walls, it will be more than enough to make your kitchen look different.

Patterned floors

If you are looking for a color injection in your kitchen, stamped floors are the most effective solution. Add that, in addition, you will be bringing a touch of personality and design to your kitchen and you will have the perfect combination. The floors in neutral tones will go to the background when you check the transforming effect that a floor can have on the rest of your kitchen elements. You choose the type of print, from geometric shapes to floral motifs or checkerboard shapes. The luck is that there is a floor for each style and you will surely find the one that fits the decoration of your kitchen. For more info you can talk to our Home renovation experts.

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